APIX 2nd Half-Year Meeting of 2023: Shaping the Future of Internet Exchange in 2024

On October 31st, 2023, the Asia Pacific Internet Exchange Association (APIX) held the 2nd meeting of 2023. Normally, the association holds meetings twice a year for providing updates of members, as well as discussing its policies and directions.
This meeting was held a day before the Peering Asia 5.0 conference in Seoul, South Korea, marking as 28th meeting of the association. Moreover, the APIX organized the meeting as hybrid event. Which means, there was on-site meeting at the Ambassador Academy in Seoul, while the rest can join via video conference. As for Thailand IX, we joined the meeting on-site as we arrived in Seoul in preparation for the Peering Asia 5.0.
For the overall agenda, it focused on members’ update, APIX’s workshops, and preparation for the upcoming event. Additionally, the association discussed about its policies, as well as the upcoming trends of Internet Exchange in 2024.
Thus, the meeting was meaningful for everyone to sync up with each other. This also indicated about the ever-lasting relationships between members of the APIX. For the next meeting, it will be hold at the APRICOT 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. Be sure to stick around because we will report back to you about that event as well.